The first Motomogli-Newsletter!
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Dear readers,
welcome to the 1st Motomogli newsletter!
You already know what Mogli and I have been up to in the past few months, but thanks to Corona a lot has happened behind the scenes too!
• 1 tree for every order - Check out our forest!
• Partnership with Kendama-Europe
• New distribution center in India
• Updates, coming soon & future plans
1 tree for each order
Seeing that the sale of my book “Einmal mit der Katze um die Halbe Welt” got off to a good start and that we have been supported by so many lovely people since the beginning of our journey, I also wanted to give something back. And so I decided to plant a tree for every order in the shop.
In addition, anyone can place an order for additional trees via the shop without having to register anywhere. I will pay the transaction fees for tree donations and pass 100% of the donation on.
The price of the trees planted so far varies from 20ct to 10 € and thanks to your help, 165 trees are already growing in the virtual Motomogli forest!
In the next 20 years, our small forest is supposed to bind around 70 tons of CO²!
It may not be our fault that the world is the way it is, but we are the only ones who can change it. With this in mind, I would like to thank everyone who made it possible for me to plant this forest with their donation or order!
May our trees grow and flourish and mark the turning point for a more sustainable society!
>> to the Motomogli forest <<
>> plant 1 tree in Motomogli Forest <<
Collaboration with Kendama-Europe
I am more than excited to announce that from now on, in cooperation with Kendama-Europe, we are offering Kendamas in the motomogli-shop!
Kendamas caught me in their spell from the very first time I held one in my hands. It‘s more than just a toy, it‘s a LOT of fun and I am convinced that every player will benefit from playing it! I want to help spreading the word about Kendamas and hope to see the community grow.
But what is a Kendama and what do I do with it?
In a nutshell, it is an ancient Japanese skill game. The principle is simple: You catch a ball (that is attached to a string) with the tip or one of the 3 bowls. Once you have learned this (or do a quick search on the internet) you will quickly realize that the possibilities for tricks are endless!
Kendamas are experiencing a boom in the western world and every day players upload hundreds of videos to social networks. Unsurprisingly, as it not only represents a counter-trend to our ever faster way of life, but also promotes, among other things, the concentration, coordination and balance of the player.
In Japan every child knows it and in some schools playing Kendama is even on the curriculum. But Kendamas are not just children's toys and are also enjoying increasing popularity with adults. Ninjas are said to have trained their precision with it, and sometimes Kendamas were even used as a drinking game!
I came across Kendamas in 2007, when they became popular in the rollerblading scene. I was immediately enthusiastic about the complexity that hides behind the simple principle and once I got started, was hooked right away!
Since then Kendamas have always accompanied me, at home or on my travels through the world. And they act as an ice-breaker too ;-) Wherever I pull out my Kendama, I meet curious people that want to try it out immediately.
>> More about the history of Kendamas <<
>> Youtube: PLAY Kendama Europe X Quincy Cleofis Jankins <<
>> Youtube: Kendama World Cup 2018 by Kendama Europe <<
To make your choice a bit easier, we only display selected Kendamas and personal favourites in the shop. If you want to purchase any other product from Kendama Europe ( you can do so any time by sending us an email to info(at) .
Warehouse & Distribution Centre in India
--> FREE DELIVERY & DISCOUNTS for customers in India
We found a distribution center in Bangalore (Karnataka, India), which allows us to now ship all Indian orders FAST & FREE!
Since this cuts down on unnecessary costs, customers in India will also receive a 30% discount on all products made in India (the discount code „MADEININDIA“ must be used at checkout).
-stickers and key chains are made in India and already stocked up-first box with Kendamas will arrive end of December (pre-orders are already possible)
-my book won’t be available in India (as it is only in German) but I can send it from Germany on request
We can deliver WORLDWIDE again and the Motomogli stickers and key chains are also back in stock!
>> Stickers <<
>> Key Chains <<
We are currently looking for a publisher who would like to publish my book in English. But since it’s been very well received in the German-speaking areas, I'm in good spirits that something will come up. If you happen to know someone, I’d be happy if you could put us in touch!
More on this in the next newsletter.
Thanks for reading and all the best from India!
Martin & Mogli
Hi Martin und Mogli
Ich bin gerade an eurem Buch lesen und finde es sehr spannend, was ihr so alles in den verschiedenen Ländern, mit Menschen und deren Gastfreundlichkeit erlebt. Ich bin so gefesselt, dass ich beinahe nicht mehr aufhören kann zu lesen.
Ich hoffe, dass ihr bald eure Rückreise ohne allzu grosse “bösen” Überraschungen antreten könnt und ihr zwei sicher in Rosenheim bei eurer Familie und Freunden ankommen werdet. Tragt Sorge und viele, unvergessliche Abenteuer wünscht euch Barbara
Lieber Martin, meine Tochter hat mir dein Buch geschenkt um mich zu ermutigen mit unserem Kater (9 Monate alt) zu reisen. Wir haben ihn letztes Jahr, ca. zwei Wochen alt, im Wald ausgesetzt gefunden.
Es war für mich bis dahin unvorstellbar, mit ihm im Landrover zu reisen, aber nun hat uns Findus zum ersten mal begleitet.
Nun freuen wir uns, dass er die Reise vom Schliersee an die Nordsee so unkompliziert mitmacht.
Wir wünschen Dir und Mogli noch viele schöne Erlebnisse.
Elisabeth und Hans mit Findus
hi martin und mogli!
lese gerade euer so ein abenteuer!
habe selbst eine katze noch als neugeborenes augezogen.
faehrt mit mir ueberall hin,egal in welchem fahrzeug.
falls ihr mal in den sinai kommt,seid ihr bei mir herzlichst eingeladen.
Hallo Martin, habe mit Begeisterung und Bewunderung dein Buch gelesen. Deine Geschichte fasziniert mich genauso wie die von Bob dem Streuner. Vor Allem fasziniert mich das Verhalten von Mogli. Hoffe sie kommt immer wieder von ihren Ausflügen zurück. Ich selbst hätte zuviel Angst dass ihr was passiert. Wünsche weiterhin viel Glück und werde euch weiter beobachten.
Servus , Eugen aus Bad Endorf
Hallo Martin, hallo Mogli,
bin gerade fertig geworden mit dem Lesen des Buches. Bin selbst Katzenbesitzerin, meine Prinzessin heißt Mona und ist mir auch als Streunerin vor etwa 2 Jahren zugelaufen. Sie ist eine ganz hübsche British Kurzhaar. Obwohl ich bisher immer nur ganz normale Hauskatzen hatte, ist sie halt doch mein ein und alles. Das Buch von Eurer Reise habe ich zu meinem 70. Geburtstag von meinem Partner geschenkt bekommen und es hat mich sehr gefesselt. Ich hoffe, dass Mogli noch lange Deine Gesellschaft genießen darf und ihr nie was passiert auf ihren Abenteuern. Alles Gute und liebe Grüsse Ursula